Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

The term seems to be a misrepresentation of the gruesome act that was committed to Jesus. It seems a bit morbid at times to "celebrate" what this day represents and call it "good." But in another sense "Good Friday" seems appropriate because of the accomplishment. As we remember the brutal beating that Jesus took on on our behalf how can we be anything but committed to the cause for which He suffered?  Imagine the emotions that the disciples of Jesus went through on that day. The man whom they had been with and walked with was now unjustly arrested, beaten beyond recognition and then treated worse than a murderer as He was nailed to the cross. His suffering was willful and not forced (John 10:18). He was willing to die for me. There were choices (Matthew 26:53) and He chose to sacrifice. 

I guess the challenge for me is to live a sacrificial life for Him. There are choices that I can make each day that will never be equivalent to the sacrifice He made but it is the sacrifice that so many Christians before me have made. The daily sacrifice of dying to my comforts and convenience in order that the message of the Gospel will be known to those I have contact with. God did not save us to live a life of Christian conveniences but a life of self sacrifice so that His name will be known and others will understand and accept the sacrifice that was made on our behalf.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Reflection and thoughts on Outreach

What an incredible youth service we had last night! I have to say that seeing four students boldly stand up to confess they they had just received salvation was something that never gets old. 

Here is what I have been wrestling with lately. I have been concerned that Christians (this includes myself) have just become content to have a great worship service and bring friends to church (who used to go to some other church) and we have neglected those who are unchurched and who don't know Christ. Have we just been rearranging Christians into different churches or are we being Great Commission Christians who are out-reachers as God has instructed us? God told us to go into the world and compel people to come (Luke 14:23). He never said go into other churches and compel them to transfer membership. As long as there are imperfect churches membership transfer will happen without much help but our instruction from God is to go into the world with the Gospel. 

Luke 5 records the story of the paralytic who had some friends who knew that Jesus was the answer to his paralysis and they did whatever it took to get him before Jesus. They ripped a hole in the roof of a home in order to find a way to get him in touch with the one they knew could heal him. Jesus not only healed his physical ailment but He also healed His spiritual ailment. Faith in the Healer motivated these men to bring their crippled friend to the place where he could be touched by Jesus. 

There are so many dads and moms and children that need to be in the presence of the Savior this Sunday. They are paralyzed by so many things that they think are more important than a relationship with God through Jesus. I say we use whatever method is necessary to get them to church on Sunday where they can hear the message of the Gospel of Jesus as we celebrate Resurrection Sunday.