Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Snow Day in March

It is really an odd thing to get a snow of more than 4 inches in China Grove, NC and even more rare to get it on March 2, but nevertheless it came. God knew what we needed even when some of us were praying that it would stay away.  It actually turned out to be exactly what my family needed. Tracy enjoyed the relaxing day at home (she did cook three great meals). The kids and I along with Justin and Chris did some sledding and just really had a very good day.  

What a beautiful sight it was to wake up to. Looking out into the back yard from my bedroom window it looked so peaceful. Occasional snow just does something for me. It has such a calming effect on my mind and spirit. Have you ever walked through the woods in the snow? I can remember the occasional snow that we would have back in LA and how it would be to walk through the woods in the snow. Things were so peaceful and everything looked so different. Once, I remember this time that it snowed and we didn't have to go to school that day and instead my brother and sister and I went for a walk in the woods behind our house. My brother and I used to set traps along the creek back there and would check them early in the mornings before heading to school. Well on this particular day we headed out and took Rachel, my sister,  with us. We were walking along the creek and Rachel screamed, "Look, a porcupine!" Now we have lots of different animals in LA but a Porcupine is not one of them. We looked over and in one of our traps was a small raccoon.  We didn't kill the little guy, but instead we got him out of the trap and decided to play with him until he tried to attack our friend, Shannon, who had came over to check out our snow-day catch. 

Well when snow is a rare thing we have great opportunities to make some cool memories with family and friends. We can do things like: make the snowman, sled, make snow angels, snow cream, cut donuts in the lower church parking lot.

I couldn't help but think about Isaiah 1:18, "though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." How can something so dark and as dirty as sin become so pure and clean as snow? Well it is only by the power of God and through the work of Jesus Christ. There is no possible way that I could have done that on my own because my life is still dark and dirty but through the cleansing of Jesus Christ I am make as pure as snow. I don't fully understand how that happens but I trust the words of God and am so thankful for that truth. 

1 comment:

  1. the snow is fun... we only got 8 inches here at the beach... but i was also thinkin about what you wrote, obviously, about snow and sin. Its cool that for a snow flake to form, it has to first have a dirty dust partice on which to cling. Then the water particles cover the dust until it is heavy enough to fall. And the air is actually more clean because of the snow. Just like how we made perfectly right with God after He has taken hold of us, as if our sin just falls right off of us. Our dirt is gone... just a thought... nice blog by the way.
