Thursday, June 18, 2009

Questions from Jesus

In reading in the Gospels today of the account of Jesus feeding the 5,000 a question that Jesus asked of Philip really provoked some thoughts in my brain so I just had to write this stuff down. In John's account he wrote, "Jesus said to Philip, 'Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?'" Why would Jesus ask Philip a question that He already knew the answer to? Well he said it to test him. How often has Jesus asked me a question to test me and I didn't even realize it? How many questions have I had that Jesus allowed me to ask just to to test my faith in Him and His abilities? There are so many questions that stir around in my heart and mind even today that Jesus already knows the answer to and He just wants me to trust Him and His provision. Philip had the mathematics figured out but he didn't completely understand the provision of Jesus to overcome the mathematics and financial shortcomings that Philip was worried about. So while we are busy trying to figure out math and finances, Jesus is wanting our trust and faith to be placed in His provision. How relieving this is to know that whatever Jesus sees and knows is needed He is going to take care of through our willingness to trust His provision. Philip was looking at the situation and seeing what the minimum would be to get by and Jesus provided plenty for everyone and then enough for leftovers. How often have we just tried to get by with the minimum and Jesus wants to provide an overabundance to show how faithful He is to those who have faith to trust Him?

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